We're now on Threads
We love social media and the newest kid on the block is "Threads".
It's a new Twitter-style app by Meta (who own Facebook / Instagram).
Some recent reports at the time of writing suggest there have been over 95 million "threads" (equivalent to Tweets) already and over 70 million signups to date. So it has a real chance to become a Twitter rival, perhaps even a replacement as the go to place for near real-time conversations and short update posts.
More features are planned as the app was seemingly rushed out in order to take advantage of the chaos in the Twitter-sphere. We're looking forward to follower only feeds, DMs, better searches, account switching, a thread-deck and a few bug fixes e.g. crashing when the image you try to upload is too large.
Some of the features are quite enticing. You'll benefit from a 500 character limit on threads (280 on Twitter) and videos are limited to a whopping 5 minutes.
App signup is easy - you simply download the app at threads.net and a few clicks later you are logged in automagically.
So far the community on Threads has been really positive and it feels like a safe place to converse, there's a real buzz about the atmosphere and it's refreshing.
We'll be using Threads to keep everyone up to date on all the exciting news, discuss important topics, raise awareness of local businesses and generally having a laugh.
You can follow us online / via the app.
Our handle is @CityOfAberdeenDistillery.
Or read our Threads here:
Download the app here:
Say hello, maybe tell us which gin from the range you prefer or even better yet, why not post an image of you enjoying a City of Aberdeen Distillery gin and we'd absolutely love some cocktail suggestions too!