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Gin School Experience


Distil your own gin at the Gin School Experience

Become a Distiller and create your very own Scottish Gin in this 2 hour experience! Starting with a double G&T welcome drink you'll uncover Aberdeen's rich distilling heritage and the origins of gin before going on to tour the restricted production areas to find out how Aberdeen Gins are made. Learn about the base gin botanicals and the premium organic alcohol. Following on from a short introduction to the botanicals available, choose from over 100 botanicals and distil your perfect bottle of gin using a beautiful copper alembic mini-still.

The group is led by the Head Distiller who is on hand to help you select the ideal botanicals and quantities for your unique gin recipe.

While you wait for your gin to distil, enjoy samples from the range of Aberdeen Gins. You'll be introduced to the background of each gin as well as the ingredients used - find out how each gin is unique and how they are authentically distilled in Aberdeen. Sip a G&T made to order based on your preferred sample.

Finally, decide the strength, bottle, cap and label your own full sized 70cl bottle of gin - you’ll need a name for it too!

Celebrate becoming a distiller with a surprise cocktail.

At a glance
2 hours
£90 inc VAT per person
What's included
Drink on arrival
Double G&T
Distil your own gin
A full-sized 70cl bottle of true Scottish Gin
Discover gin botanicals
Learn more about the base botanicals and the 100+ on the botanical garden
Enjoy gins from the range
Enjoy 6+ Aberdeen Gin samples from the range
Drinks throughout
Enjoy full G&T's from the range
Light snack
Salted crisps
Surprise cocktail
Celebrate you've become a distiller with a surprise cocktail
Q&A Session
The perfect time to ask any questions. Make it a good one, Alan is a very clever know-it-all.
For all experiences
Complimentary wifi
You'll find the password on entry
Meet the makers
The tour is led by the Head Distiller


Gin School Experience

Become a Distiller and create your very own Scottish Gin in this 3 hour experience! Starting with a double G&T welcome drink you'll uncover Aberdeen's rich distilling heritage and the origins of gin before going on to tour the restricted production areas to find out how Aberdeen Gins are made. Learn about the base gin botanicals and the premium organic alcohol. Following on from a short introduction to the botanicals available, choose from over 100 botanicals and distil your perfect bottle of gin using a beautiful copper alembic mini-still.

Book online below or scroll further down for more information.

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Gin School Experience
2 hours
£90 / pp
Guest at the Gin School Experience

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