Cocktail - The Madame

Cocktail - The Madame


The Cocktail

Based on a French 75 - the Madame is the perfect celebratory drink for any party.

What you'll need

► 1½ shot (37.5ml) of Clove Gin (available at the distillery shop)
► ½ shot (12.5ml) of Triple Sec
► 1 shot (25ml) fresh lemon
► ½ shot (12.5ml) of vanilla gomme
► Prosecco
► Ice
► Cocktail shaker
► Julep strainer (or tea strainer)
► Champagne flute

Step by step

  1. Shake all ingredients (excluding Prosecco)
  2. Double strain into the flute
  3. Top up with Prosecco
  4. Garnish with orange peel and glove
  5. Enjoy!